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Quality Assurance e-learning module for SPECT systems

E-Learning module on "Quality Assurance for SPECT systems"

This E-Learning module has been designed to support medical physicists and other health professionals in ensuring optimal performance of imaging instruments. It is a tool for continuing education and a self-growth opportunity for health professionals working in the field of nuclear medicine.

The E-Learning module includes 16 tutorial videos demonstrating in practice the procedures to perform the tests described in the IAEA Human Health Series no. 6 on "Quality Assurance for SPECT Systems". Upon successful completion of the quizzes, a certificate will be provided to the user.

The 16 tutorial videos composing the E-Learning module are also singularly available. They demonstrate in practice the procedures to perform the tests described in the IAEA Human Health Series no. 6 on "Quality Assurance for SPECT Systems".

  1. Intrinsic Flood Field Uniformity
  2. System Flood Field Uniformity
  3. System Planar Sensitivity
  4. Maximum Count Rate
  5. Intrinsic Spatial Resolution - Visual method
  6. Intrinsic Spatial Resolution and Linearity
  7. System Spatial Resolution
  8. Energy Resolution
  9. Multiple Window Spatial Registration
  10. Physical Inspection
  11. Tomographic Uniformity
  12. Center of Rotation
  13. Absolute Size of a Pixel
  14. Tomographic Resolution in Air
  15. Tomographic Resolution with Scatter
  16. Total Performance