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Tutorial Videos on Quality Control for CT

In 2012, the IAEA published a technical report for establishment and implementation of quality assurance programmes in CT: IAEA Human Health Series No. 19. The report provides guidance on quality assurance (QA) methods to promote the effective use of radiation for a diagnostic outcome through achieving and maintaining appropriate image quality. Computed Tomography (CT) plays an important role in diagnosis and localization. The increase in access to CT and the need for safe use and high-quality performance requires the establishment and implementation of effective quality control. Poor quality imaging can result in unnecessary radiation exposure.

To complement the publication and facilitate implementation of a CT QA programme, 9 training video-tutorials together with an introductory part have been produced. The tutorials show how various quality control tests are performed in a hospital setting and focus on those performed by clinically qualified medical physicists (CQMPs).

The videos can be watched freely through clicking on the relevant titles below:

  1. Introduction
  2. Visual inspection and programme review
  3. CT alignment lights
  4. Table travel accuracy
  5. Radiation dose
  6. X-ray generator - kV accuracy and HVL
  7. X-ray beam collimation and imaged slice width
  8. Image quality - spatial and contrast resolution
  9. Image quality - CT number and spatial linearity
  10. Image quality - CT number linearity and spatial linearity

The video-tutorials are intended to be used by clinically qualified medical physicists (CQMPs) and presupposes underlying knowledge in the field of diagnostic radiology medical physics. IAEA publications and content relevant to diagnostic radiology medical physics can be found on a dedicated webpage.


The production of the video-tutorials was supported by Belgium, through the Peaceful Uses Initiative (PUI) project: Enhancing education and training programmes in human health through quality assurance in higher education.


The appearance of names of specific companies or products does not imply any intention to infringe proprietary rights, nor should it be construed as an endorsement or recommendation on the part of the IAEA.


The video-tutorials were developed by Prof John Damilakis (Department of Medical Physics, University of Crete, University Hospital of Iraklion, Greece) with the assistance of Eleftherios Tzanis, PhD. The IAEA Section responsible for this activity is the Section of Dosimetry and Medical Radiation Physics (DMRP) of the Division of Human Health at the IAEA.

Additional information can be found in the IAEA Human Health Series No. 19 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAMME FOR COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY: DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPY APPLICATIONS and the IAEA Technical Reports Series No. 457. Dosimetry in Diagnostic Radiology: An International Code of Practice.