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Radiation Therapists (RTTs)

The International Atomic Energy Agency has been assisting Member States in the establishment, operation and upgrading of radiation oncology facilities. The assistance, in addition to the training of medical doctors and medical physicists in radiation oncology, also includes the training of professionals known in various countries as radiation therapists, therapy radiographers, manipulators, radiation therapy technologists, etc. (RTs) that are responsible for the actual operation of radiotherapy machines for the treatment of patients. The shortage of such well-trained professionals is a serious obstacle to making radiotherapy accessible to cancer patients.

IAEA funded training often involved sending RTs to foreign countries at great expense and risk of "brain drain". The development of RT training in many countries is in its infancy, but national/sub-regional training programs for RTs will be essential for meeting current and future needs for well-trained RTs. IAEA addressed this challenge by establishing a harmonized minimum acceptable syllabus for the education and training of RTs.